Traffic Control
On April 1st, an Orangeville woman was struck and badly injured while crossing the road at the corner of Diane Drive and Manor Crescent and in light of this incident, a number of residents spoke passionately about the need for a solution for the speeding and traffic issues that remain a concern to the residents of Diane Drive. Having grown up on Diane Drive (on the west side close to C-Line), I can attest to the need for a better solution than currently exists. A number of years ago, signs were placed at either end of Diane Drive stating that it is not a through street and this is not enough.
There were suggestions for solutions brought forward by a few residents including but not limited to installing speed bumps, reducing the speed limit, adding larger stop signs as well as signs to notify of a pedestrian crossing and the painting of crosswalk lines on the road to indicate a safe area for pedestrians to cross.
Chief Kalinski spoke at the meeting about traffic enforcement specifically on Diane Drive. “In 2014 we issued 124 traffic violation tickets.” he went on to say that so far in 2015, 47 traffic tickets have been issued and over the course of the weekend, there were 17 traffic tickets issued and 12 of those were for speeding. “We are there as often as we can be. The Orangeville Police responds to traffic complaints.”
“I think it is imperative that we address the issue of traffic on Diane Drive immediately.” said Councillor Wilson before putting forward a motion to instruct staff to immediately install the stop signs, install the crosswalk markings and install speed bumps. His motion was seconded by Councillor Kidd but when the vote was called, it was defeated.
Councillor Bradley then put forward a motion to request that staff come back with a report at the next Council Meeting that takes in to consideration all of the suggestions and recommendations that were brought forward. This motion passed.
In a meeting that I had with Chief Kalinski a few weeks ago, he told me that the number one concern that he has heard since becoming Police Chief from local residents is traffic enforcement. He stated that residents have requested additional police presence in a number of different areas of Town to help reduce various traffic violations such as speeding, running stop signs and red lights, etc.
What do you think the right thing to do is? Is traffic and speeding an issue in your neighbourhood?