I hear all sorts of opinions on New Years Resolutions and I would love to hear yours as well! Do you make resolutions? Or do you think they are silly? Do you have any traditions at midnight that help you ring in the new year on the right foot? I was delighted to be a part of a New Years Celebration with some dear friends of mine this year, and at the stroke of midnight, they go outside and bang pots and pans together to drive away the evil! What a neat tradition…and the kids thought it was hilarious!
I don’t always make a resolution, but in my humble opinion, I think it is important to take a moment to reflect on the past year and set yourself new goals…or add a new item to your bucket list!
2014 in a nutshell
When I rang in 2014, my resolution…or goal…that I set for myself was to be more bold. By that, I mean that I was going to push myself to try new things, to experience life at a different level, to push myself out of my comfort zone and to be more present.
Here are the things that I am most proud of in 2014
- In February, at a work conference in Orlando, FL in front of 2000 people, I got on stage (with the president of my company) and sang. I had never sang in public – EVER. I am more of a sing-in-the-car-like-no-one-is-listening kind of performer. But, I stepped outside my comfort zone and had A BLAST!!! Would I do it again? ABSOLUTELY!!!
- In March, I decided that it was time to take better care of me – so I started my journey living a Paleo lifestyle – I lost 60 pounds and cured my migraines!! Talk about win, win! (***note***Getting back to my Paleo lifestyle after falling off the wagon a bit is part of 2015’s goals)
- In April, the library at Caledon Central Public School was dedicated to the memory of my Grandfather – complete with an amazing mural paying tribute to his life…what a proud moment for the Raeburn family.
- In June, I got to spend an epic weekend with my son as volunteers for The Ride to Conquer Cancer
- In June, I also got to see my daughter win the Citizenship Award at school
- In July, I took a fantastic family vacation to PEI with my husband and kids as well as my sister and her kids! Making memories!
- In August, I hosted my first ever music festival in Orangeville (QUEST MusicFest) which was a one-day festival to raise money for The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation…(watch for the 2nd annual event in 2015)
- At the end of August, I officially registered to run as a councillor in my first municipal election
- In September and October, I ran a full campaign…what an experience!!
- At the end of October, I got to have my first election party and watch the results come in…(no, I didn’t win, but that didn’t make it any less awesome )
- And then in December, I launched this blog!! (Which I am looking forward to seeing come to full fruition in 2015)
As I took the time to really reflect on 2014, all I could think was “WOW! What a year!!!” I feel so lucky to have such an amazing network of family and friends who support me, encourage me, and are right behind me helping to make all of these things happen! My husband should win “Most Patient Man-of-the-Year” award for being with me every step of the way through my campaign…he was there every moment that I couldn’t be to pick up the kids, make dinner, do homework, and everything else – all while being my biggest cheerleader through the campaign. And the rest of my family and friends who were in my corner every step of the way….I can’t begin to thank you all enough for helping to make 2014 the year that it was!!
2015 Goal Setting
Well, 2014 is a year that will be hard to live up to! But damn it, I will put my heart and soul into it! My personal goals for 2015 include continuing to scratch things off my bucket list (I believe that life is too short to let your dreams and aspirations fall by the wayside), to be in the moment more (to unplug and spend more quality time with those around me), and to use my free time to give back to my community, to people who need a bit of extra help and to be more charitable.
What are your goals or resolutions for 2015?