In a previous post, I shared some information about the possibility of new Bike Routes in Orangeville. This is an idea dreamed up by members of the OSAT committee (Orangeville Sustainability Action Team) and I absolutely LOVE IT!!

Now, I am not a cyclist…but my husband is. And he has complained a number of times that Orangeville is not a ‘Bike-Friendly’ Community. He’s not the only one I have heard this from. The Cycling Community is a big one – and when they are going on a ride, they go for a ride…I’m talking like 30-100km rides….and sadly, they aren’t coming to Orangeville.

OSAT has devised a plan to make Orangeville a more ‘Cycling-Friendly’ community with the creation of 3 possible bike routes:

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Rather than proposing that the Town of Orangeville fund these routes, they took a more creative approach. They are looking for local sponsors for these routes and are hosting a silent auction at What a great legacy this would be for your family or business! The naming auction kicked off of February 1st and will wrap up on February 29th, 2016 @ 4pm. Below is a sample of what the signage of your route could look like

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Interested in having a route named after you or your family? Get in on the action and send in a bid!! Minimum reserve bid on each route is $20,000.

Interested in being a part of this awesome program but don’t have $20,000 to kick in? No problem! There is also a need for bike racks and bike loops to be sponsored

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For more information on the bike routes, visit or send any bids or questions to

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